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My Approach

As a person-centred therapist, I believe that if the right conditions are present in therapy, you can reach your full potential and become your true self. I offer an empathic, non-judgemental and safe environment within which I accept and value you for who you are.


The counselling sessions are led by you but we work collaboratively to find the answers that lay dormant within you. I will help you explore your own issues, feelings, beliefs, behaviour and worldview, so you can become more self-aware, achieve greater independence, grow and heal. 


I will help you to realise what resources and support are available to you that you can use to work through your own issues, build your self-confidence and appreciate that you always have options.


I will treat you as the expert on yourself, as no-one else knows exactly what it's like to be you. I will not judge you, no matter what you bring to the session. This helps build a trustworthy relationship in which you can feel free and supported to disclose whatever is troubling you. Eventually, this will hopefully lead you to discover your own abilities and autonomy, so that you can cope with current and future problems. 


My Clinical Interests



You may be:


  • ​Worried about a loved one's eating issues​?

  • Struggling with body image and confidence?

  • Feeling out of control with food?

  • Feeling anxious or scared when thinking about food ​?

  • Finding it challenging to support a loved one through their eating disorder?

  • Thinking about food, calories, exercising and body image most of the time​?

  • Struggling with an eating disorder?

  • Needing a safe space to explore the roots of food-related anxieties?



Perhaps you are: 


  • Single and looking for love?

  • ​In a relationship, but looking for a supportive space to reflect on the nature or quality of this relationship and how to improve things on your own?

  • ​Learning to love yourself?

  • Needing a non-judgemental space to talk about your polyamorous journey?

  • Going through a breakup, divorce or loss?

  • Struggling to decide whether to stay or leave a relationship?

  • Happily single, but taking time to explore your relationship issues and what that means for your future relationship dreams?​​



You may be:


  • Experiencing physical, emotional or verbal abuse from someone close to you?

  • Feeling trapped in a relationship where you are constantly hurt and belittled?

  • Finding it difficult to trust others because of past or present abuse? 

  • Needing a safe space to talk about your experiences and start the healing process? 

  • Finding yourself walking on eggshells to avoid conflict or violence? 

  • Wanting to break free from feelings of shame and self-blame?



Perhaps you are: 


  • Struggling to cope with the loss of a loved one? 

  • Feeling stuck in your grief and unable to find a way through it?

  • Realising that you have never dealt with the loss of a loved one and now need a safe space to go through the grief process?

  • Wanting support in understanding and navigating the stages of grief? 

  • Seeking to process your emotions and memories of a loved one in a supportive environment?



You may be:


  • Experiencing constant conflict and tension within your family?​​

  • Feeling misunderstood or unappreciated by your family members?

  • Struggling with communication breakdowns?

  • Find it difficult to set and maintain healthy boundaries?

  • Wanting to explore unresolved issues from the past that are affecting your current family relationships?

  • Feeling like your family is drifting apart and you want to rebuild connections?

  • Wanting to come out to your family?​​​



Perhaps you: 


  • ​Feel like your friendships are one-sided or unbalanced?

  • Are facing conflicts or misunderstandings with your friends that seem hard to resolve?

  • Find it difficult to communicate openly and honestly with friends?

  • Feel isolated or disconnected despite having friends?

  • Have experienced a betrayal or breach of trust in a friendship?

  • ​Have difficulty making new friends or maintaining existing friendships?

  • Are dealing with changes in your friendships due to life transitions like moving, career changes, or starting a family?

  • Feel like your friends don't understand or support you?​​​​​​

Recognise yourself in any of these?

Have a look at how you can access adult therapy or young people counselling, read through the Q&A section or get in touch.  

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